ACT Baseboard support for Windows Vista is ending. What are my options?

Extended Support Ends: April 11th, 2017

As we all know, Microsoft is ending all support for Windows Vista very soon. Now, as a software publisher, we serve our customers for latest and newest versions of Windows to the aging versions of Windows. We no longer see any reason anymore to officially support Windows Vista, we see that Windows Vista is now has reached almost 1% worldwide usage and that Microsoft is indeed ending support for Windows Vista. We no longer see reason to support the aging operating system.

Now what?

ACT Baseboard 2.2 will be the last version of ACT Baseboard to support Windows Vista. ACT Baseboard 2.3 and later will not support Windows Vista.

If you’re still on the aging operating system, here are your options:

1. Buy a new PC (highly recommended)

Buying a new PC with Windows 10 or Windows 7 will be the best choice, because your new PC will already have a modern version of Windows, so it will support ACT Baseboard and many other pieces of software. Buying a new PC will remove the possible frustrations of having the upgrade software, and especially upgrading the hardware. A lot of new hardware probably wouldn’t work on your PC, it would be better to buy a new PC entirely.

2. Upgrade to Windows 10 (or Windows 7)

If your PC is still kicking, then you can upgrade to Windows 7 or later. However, many Vista-era PCs are too old or are too slow to handle modern versions of Windows, including Windows 10 and Windows 7. If your PC is still running Windows Vista, it’s probably too old already. But if you keep your hardware up to date or are planning to, perhaps upgrading will be your choice.

Andre’s Computer Tips recommends buying a new PC

What will happen if I stay on Windows Vista?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You will still be able to run Windows on your PC, even after the end of support date, but you won’t receive any critical updates and fixes. Your PC will become unprotected without any security patches and fixes. And many software companies have already dropped Windows Vista support.

For the case of ACT Baseboard, you will continue to receive the updates for ACT Baseboard 2.2, however you will not be able to upgrade to future versions of ACT Baseboard.



For more information about Windows Vista’s support ending, visit Microsoft’s support article for more information.


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